What Is My Birthstone? The Best Gemstone For Every Month

Have you ever asked yourself, What is my birthstone? Each month has its own gemstone and color associated with it. Some people believe that these stones have special powers or bring good luck.

Whether you’re interested in birthstones for their symbolism or simply because you like the way they look, read on to learn more about the gems and colors of all months of the year!

What Are Birthstones?

In ancient times, there were gemstones linked to each zodiac sign. In contrast, birthstones are gemstones that are traditionally associated with a particular birth month.

The practice of wearing just a single birthstone is thought to be only a few centuries old. Prior to that, people had twelve stones and wore a different one each month.

Your birthstone’s meaning can vary depending on what culture you look at it from. Generally, though, your birthstone is thought to bring some sort of good health, healing powers or protection to the wearer.

For example, diamonds are said to promote innocence and purity, while emeralds are thought to bring love and happiness.

If you are looking for a great gift to give someone for their birthday, consider giving them a piece of gemstone jewelry that features their birthstone. You can find birthstone jewelry in a variety of different styles and designs, so you are sure to find something that will suit the recipient’s taste.

What is my birthstone?
What is my birthstone?

Traditional vs Modern Birthstones

The traditional birthstone list is as follows:

  • January – Garnet
  • February – Amethyst, Hyacinth, Pearl
  • March – Bloodstone, Jasper
  • April – Diamond, Sapphire
  • May – Emerald, Agate
  • June – Cat’s Eye, Turquoise, Agate
  • July – Turquoise, Onyx
  • August – Sardonyx, Carnelian, Moonstone, Topaz
  • September – Chrysolite
  • October – Opal, Aquamarine
  • November – Topaz, Pearl
  • December – Bloodstone, Ruby

A list of modern birthstones was first established in 1912 by the Jewelers of America (formerly the National Association of Jewelers. In 1952, The Jewelry Industry Council of America added Alexandrite for June, pink tourmaline for October and citrine for November. They also replaced lapis with zircon for December.

In 2002, The American Gem Trade Association added tanzanite as a December birthstone and in 2016 the American Gem Trade Association and Jewelers of America added spinel as a birthstone for August.

Modern Birthstone List

The modern birthstone list is generally considered to be as follows:

  • January – Garnet
  • February – Amethyst
  • March – Aquamarine, Bloodstone
  • April – Diamond
  • May – Emerald
  • June – Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite
  • July – Ruby
  • August – Peridot, Spinel
  • September – Sapphire
  • October – Opal, Tourmaline
  • November – Topaz, Citrine
  • December – Turquoise, Tanzanite, Zircon

UK Birthstone List

The U.K. has its own list of modern birthstones, defined by the National Association of Jewellers (NAJ – formerly the National Association of Goldsmiths):

  • January – Garnet
  • February – Amethyst
  • March – Aquamarine, Bloodstone
  • April – Diamond, Rock Crystal
  • May – Emerald, Chrysoprase
  • June – Pearl, Moonstone (Alexandrite)
  • July – Ruby, Carnelian
  • August – Peridot, Sardonyx
  • September – Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli
  • October – Opal
  • November – Topaz, Citrine
  • December – Turquoise, Tanzanite

Tropical Zodiac Birthstone List

There’s also a Tropical Zodiac list of birthstones, with each of the zodiac signs having a specific gemstone as follows:

  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – Garnet
  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20) – Amethyst
  • Aries (March 21 – April 19) – Bloodstone
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Sapphire
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Agate
  • Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Emerald
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Onyx
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – Carnelian
  • Libra (September 23 – October 22) – Chrysolite
  • Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) – Beryl
  • Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – Topaz
  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – Ruby

What is My Birthstone?

If you’re ever feeling down, just look at your birthstone and remember that it’s there to remind you of all the good things in life!

Keep in mind, though, that your birthstone is just a fun way to feel connected to the natural world and the month you were born. Its meaning is what you make of it, so feel free to choose your own interpretation. No matter what, having a birthstone is a great way to feel extra special and connected to your birthday month!

The other thing to know is that in addition to these popular gemstones, several months have alternative birthstones. So if you’re not keen on your main birthstone, there’s often another option.

Birthstones by Month

January Birthstone: Garnet

The January birthstone is garnet. This type of gemstone is typically red or dark brown in color.

Garnets are found all over the world, and come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. They are often used in jewelry, and are a popular choice for engagement rings. If you are looking for a beautiful and meaningful gift for someone who was born in January, a garnet birthstone may be the perfect option.

Kate Middleton has a Victorian eternity band given to her by Prince William which is inlaid with garnets, which are her birthstone and pearls, which are his birthstone.

The garnet stone is said to represent faith, truth, eternity and friendship. Some believe that wearing garnet will protect you from nightmares and boost energy levels. If you want a really unique garnet, seek out a color-changing stone.

A garnet birthstone ring
A garnet birthstone ring

February Birthstone: Amethyst

Amethyst is the February birthstone. This gem comes in a variety of colors, but the most popular shade is purple.

Up to the 19th century, this beautiful gemstone was as expensive as emeralds and rubies. Settlers in Brazil then discovered large quantities of amethyst and it became more commonplace.

Amethyst is thought to embody peace, serenity, and royalty. They are also said to be helpful in overcoming addictions.

In fact, the word amethyst comes from the Greek word amethystos which means ‘not intoxicated’. The Ancient Greeks believed that if you drank from a gobelet adorned with amethysts, it would prevent drunkenness.

An amethyst birthstone ring with white gold and diamonds
An amethyst birthstone ring with white gold and diamonds

March Birthstone: Aquamarine

Aquamarine is the main March birthstone. These gemstones usually have a green tinge when they are extracted from the ground, which turns blue upon heating.

Roman fishermen hoped that aquamarine would protect them and help them to catch fish. Another popular belief was that aquamarine would keep pregnant women from any harm.

Aquamarines are believed to represent youth, good health, and happiness. These gemstones are also said to be helpful in dealing with relationships, by tuning into your partner’s needs.

An aquamarine birthstone ring set in gold
An aquamarine birthstone ring set in gold

The alternative birthstone for March is a bloodstone. This is a unique gemstone that has red flecks in it due to iron oxide impurities. It takes its name from the red markings which look a little like blood.

The Aztecs believed that bloodstones could help to regulate blood flow, while the ancient Egyptians thought that these gems gave them strength in battle. Bloodstones also symbolize creativity, wisdom and justice.

A bloodstone pendant
A bloodstone pendant – what is a birthstone

April Birthstone: Diamond

Diamond is the birthstone of April. There are yellow, green or pink varieties, known as fancy colored diamonds. However, the most popular shade of diamond is white. As you’ve probably guessed, diamonds are the most expensive birthstones.

The name diamond comes from the Greek word adamas, which means invincible. A diamond birthstone is said to represent strength, invincibility, and everlasting love. Some believe that diamonds can give you clarity and emotional healing.

If you are already lucky enough to have a diamond engagement ring or wedding ring, then diamond earrings are a great birthstone jewelry alternative.

Birthstone diamond earrings
Birthstone diamond earrings

Clear quartz is the alternative April birthstone, which is a lot more affordable than diamonds. This gemstone is thought to absorb and release healing energies.

Some people think that clear quartz can help spiritual growth. It is also associated with strength, being one of the most resistant gemstones to scratches.

A quartz birthstone ring
A quartz birthstone ring

May Birthstone: Emerald

Emerald is the May birthstone. This gem is found mainly in Columbia, Brazil and Zambia. The ancient Egyptians also mined emeralds, and Cleopatra was a fan!

Emeralds come in a variety of shades of green, including bluish green to yellow- green. The first synthetic emerald was created in a lab by Carroll Chatham in 1935. This one carat gemstone is now on display at the Smithsonian Institution.

The emerald birthstone is said to represent growth, fertility, and prosperity. Some also believe that it enhances intuition, friendship and unconditional love.

Green emerald birthstone diamond ring
Green emerald birthstone diamond ring

June Birthstone: Pearl

The pearl is the June birthstone. They are produced by oysters and other mollusks.

Natural pearls come in a variety of colors, but the most popular shade is white. Pearl necklaces and pearl earrings are popular birthstone jewelry pieces, as well as pearl rings.

Pearl powder has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine and to increase the skin’s moisture level.

Pearl birthstones are said to represent purity, innocence, and loyalty. In addition, pearls are believed by some to have a calming effect.

A pearl birthstone pendant
A pearl birthstone pendant

Alexandrite is an alternative June birthstone with a number of interesting properties. For example, alexandrite is known for its remarkable color change, which can occur anywhere from a greenish hue to a reddish one, depending on the light source.

Additionally, alexandrite is said to be a talisman of luck and prosperity, and is often given as a gift to celebrate a new beginning or a special occasion.

If you’re looking for a unique and beautiful gemstone to celebrate your June birthday, alexandrite is a great choice!

An alexandrite birthstone ring set in gold
An alexandrite birthstone ring set in gold

The moonstone is another June birthstone that is known for its mystical and ethereal properties. Moonstones are said to be connected to the moon.

There are a few different types of moonstone, including blue moonstone, rainbow moonstone, and peach moonstone. All of these types are known for their unique and beautiful colors.

Moonstones have been used for centuries in jewelry, and are still a popular choice today. They are believed to have protective qualities and to bring good luck and fortune.

Moonstone birthstone ring
Moonstone birthstone ring

July Birthstone: Ruby

Ruby is the July birthstone. This red gemstone owes its vibrant red color to traces of chromium.

The finest rubies come from Myanmar. You can also find rubies in countries such as Thailand, Nepal, Australia, Vietnam and even the United States!

Rubies symbolize passion, vitality and protection. They are also said to bring happiness and love into people’s lives.

Rubies are among the most durable gemstones, making them a good choice for jewelry that will be worn often.

A ruby birthstone pendant
A ruby birthstone pendant

August Birthstone: Peridot

Peridot is the birthstone for August. Peridots are found in different shades of green, but the most common colour is a yellow-green. The peridot is also known as the Evening Emerald because it often has a beautiful green color that sparkles in the evening light.

The peridot birthstone represents growth and good luck. Some believe that peridots can help you to attract new opportunities.

This gemstone is sometimes thought to be able to improve communication and to protect the wearer from negative energy.

A peridot birthstone ring
A peridot birthstone ring

The spinel August birthstone is a beautiful, versatile gemstone that comes in shades of vivid pink, red or purple. Spinel is durable and tough, making it a good choice for jewelry.

It is also affordable, making it a popular choice for birthstone jewelry. Associated with hope, youth and vitality, spinel is believed by some people to rejuvenate the wearer.

Spinel birthstones
Spinel birthstones – Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com CC-BY-SA-3.0 Wikimedia

September Birthstone: Sapphire

Sapphire is the birthstone for September. This valuable gemstone comes in a variety of colors such as pink and yellow, but the most popular shade is blue sapphire.

Sapphires are considered one of the four precious gemstones, along with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. They were popular in ancient Rome, Persia and throughout the world in the Middle Ages.

They are said to represent wisdom, knowledge, and truth. Sapphires are also thought to bring peace and serenity to their owners, to promote good health and protect against envy and harm.

Sapphire birthstone jewelry
Sapphire birthstone jewelry

October Birthstone: Opal

Opals are relatively soft stones, so they should be handled with care. The main source of the opal birthstone is Australia.

One of the opal’s most distinctive features is its play of color. This occurs when light is reflected off the opal’s many tiny crystals, causing the stone to change colors.

The opal is said to be a lucky stone, and it is often worn to bring good fortune. Opals are also thought to promote intuition and creativity. They are symbols of hope, love, and purity.

An opal birthstone ring
An opal birthstone ring

Tourmaline is the alternative birthstone for October. This gem comes in a variety of colors, including pink, red, blue, green and black.

Tourmaline is a fairly hard stone, meaning it’s not as prone to scratches or chips as some other gemstones. it also has a beautiful array of colors, making it a popular choice for jewelry.

This birthstone is said to represent harmony and balance. Tourmaline is also thought to be able to promote creativity and self-expression. so if you’re looking for a stone that can help you tap into your inner creativity, tourmaline might be the right choice for you.

Pink tourmaline birthstone cushion cut halo ring
Pink tourmaline birthstone cushion cut halo ring

November Birthstone: Topaz

Topaz is the main November birthstone. This gem comes in a variety of colors such as red, pink and brown, but the most popular shade is blue.

Golden topaz, also known as Imperial topaz, is found mainly in Brazil. White or clear topaz is the most common type of topaz and the least valuable.

Topaz is known for its many properties, including its ability to improve communication and increase creativity. Topaz birthstones also symbolize truth, sincerity, and friendship.

A topaz birthstone gem
A topaz birthstone gem

Citrine is another November birthstone and is a type of quartz. It is a fairly hard stone and is not as susceptible to scratches and blemishes as some other gemstones.

Citrine is also relatively affordable, making it a popular choice for birthstone jewelry.

It has a range of different colors, from yellow to brown. Citrine is believed to be a good stone for financial abundance and prosperity. It is also said to help with self-esteem.

Silver earrings with citrine birthstones
Silver earrings with citrine birthstones

December Birthstone: Turquoise

Turquoise is the birthstone for December. This blue-green gem is found in the American Southwest as well as places such as Mexico and Egypt.

This vibrant gemstone is believed to bring good fortune and health. It is said to be able to protect against bad dreams and ward off negative energy.

Turquoise is also said to be a symbol of wisdom, trust, and communication. Many people believe that turquoise helps to open the heart and mind, making it a great stone for those in search of spiritual growth.

It is a fairly soft stone, so it should be treated with care.

Turquoise birthstone jewelry
Turquoise birthstone jewelry

In 2002, The American Gem Trade Association added tanzanite as a December birthstone. It is known for its beautiful blue color.

This is a relatively new gemstone, having been discovered in 1967. Tanzanite is becoming increasingly popular as a gemstone.

The tanzanite mines are located in Tanzania, near Mount Kilimanjaro. This beautiful birthstone is often heat-treated to improve its color.

Tanzanite is believed to improve perception and reduce negativity, as well as to bring good luck.

A tanzanite birthstone
A tanzanite birthstone

Zircon is another December birthstone. Not to be confused with the artificial cubic zirconia, this is a real gemstone made of zirconium silicate.

In fact, zircon is thought to be the oldest mineral on earth. It dates back 4.4 billion years!

Zircon birthstone colors are quite diverse and include yellow, red, reddish brown, green and blue. Of these, green zircons are the rarest.

Zircon is believed to be a good stone for promoting creativity, imagination, and inspiration. It is also thought to be a helpful stone for those who are going through a period of change or transition in their lives.

Blue topaz is the final December birthstone, and the final gemstone on our list. It is said to symbolize love and affection, making it a popular choice for jewelry and gifts for those born in this month.

Zircon gemstones
Zircon gemstones – Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com, Wikimedia Commons

In Conclusion: What is My Birthstone?

Birthstones are more than just pretty rocks. They have a long history that can be traced back to biblical times.

These gorgeous gems are a unique way to celebrate your birthday. There is a lot of meaning behind each gemstone, so it’s important to choose the one that resonates with you. With so many beautiful options available, there’s no reason not to add a touch of glamor to every day with your very own birthstone accessories!

Whether you want to wear your birthstone as jewelry or keep it close to you in another way, make sure you understand the significance and power of your gemstone.

If you’re interested in learning more about other precious gemstones, be sure to check out our other articles on the subject. We have tons of information waiting for you!

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What is my birthstone?

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